Tuesday, April 26, 2011

NOTD: Bling in the Spring

Last night I was trying to decide what colour to paint my nails. I was torn between Essie Mint Candy Apple, Essie Lilacism, and OPI Do You Lilac It? but none of them were really calling out to me. I felt like my nails needed a little bling so I decided to pair OPI Glitzerland and China Glaze Medallion (just on the ring fingers) and I actually really like it. Metallics are supposed to be “in” for spring but this almost reminds me a bit of the holidays. Oh well. Anyway that’s it. I just wanted to show you all what’s on my nails today.


  1. I love Glitzerland! This combination looks really pretty on you. Nothing wrong with a bit of bling in the spring. (I just rhymed unintentionally, but it makes a nice little catch phrase, doesn't it?) xo

  2. @Laura That's what I should name this post!

  3. Love these colours! really pretty :)




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