If you live in Canada you're probably aware that Canada Post was on strike for the past few weeks leaving all mail stuck in limbo, hence, my extremely late June Luxe Box post. The really sad thing is that this package was supposed to arrive at my post office the day after the strike began and I think it was at my post office the entire time but I just couldn't get it. If you couldn't tell I'm a little bit frustrated with Canada Post [Canada post rant starts here]. I personally don't see their need for a pay increase when their performance remains substandard compared with postal services in other countries. I really don't see why it should cost less and take less time to deliver something to the US than it does to deliver something within our own country, never mind the fact that our "fast" delivery time is still extremely slow compared with mail in the US and other countries. Puh-lease Canada Post, don't go asking for a raise when it's clearly not deserved. Step up your game and then maybe we'll talk.
Okay, sorry about that. Now it's time to show you what I got in my June Luxe Box! If you don't already know what Luxe Box is I'll link my first post here where I explain how it works. There are a few changes since the Luxe Box has been launched to the public, though. A monthly membership now costs $12 , a three month membership costs $36, and a 12 month membership costs $120. There is no difference in price between a one month and three month membership but those who have ordered the three month and 12 month memberships get their Luxe Boxes shipped out first. The 12 month Luxe Box subscription also has the perk of essentially getting two months of Luxe Box for free. You can order the Luxe Box at http://www.loosebutton.com/. I still have one more month of my original three month subscription to try out before I decide if I'll be purchasing additional Luxe Boxes in the future.
This is what I got...